If you're reading this article, odds are someone has told you that you take really great pictures and you should start up your own business. It's exciting to think about turning your passion into your full time job, but before you jump head first into this endeavor here are a few things you should think about. 1. Picture yourself as a business owner It's thrilling to think about being a photographer, but have you thought about being a business owner. What most people don't know is that only about 10%-20% of your time is actually spent taking photographs. That other 80% or more is spent actually working on your business. Whether it's dealing with paperwork, doing the accounting, creating marketing pieces, dealing with disgruntled customers, or updating your website, these are not the tasks most aspiring photographers dream of doing, but they are a crucial part of staying in business. discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping d...